A non-surgical solution to fine lines & wrinkles

Anti wrinkle and botox injections in Norwich - Mel Berry Aesthetics

Rejuvenate and freshen up with our anti-ageing injections. By relaxing muscles and smoothing skin, these injections effectively diminish fine lines and wrinkles. We treat popular areas such as frown lines, forehead lines, and crow's feet, while also offering solutions for underarm sweating and jawline refinement. 

Anti-Wrinkle injections in Norwich

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Frown Lines

  • Crow's Feet / Smile Lines

  • Brow Lifting

  • Visible Neck Bands

  • Excessive Sweating (Hyperhydrosis)


What Are Anti Wrinkle Injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are a quick and effective non-surgical way to tackle the signs of ageing. Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. With age, our skin gets thinner, drier, and we lose elastin. The ability of our skin to protect itself is reduced as we age. Eventually, wrinkles, creases, and lines form on our skin.

Continuous muscle contraction is also another major contributor to facial wrinkles. Continuous muscle movement causes 'dynamic wrinkles' which only appear when the muscle is used. Over time, if untreated, these wrinkles can become 'static wrinkles' which means they become permanently etched in our skin.


Is An Anti-Wrinkle Treatment For Me?

Anti-wrinkle treatments are used to temporarily weaken facial muscles, causing lines to diminish after treatment as the muscles no longer contract. If anti-wrinkle treatment injections are used to treat lines that are very shallow, then often these disappear completely.

If the lines are deep and permanent then other treatments such as Dermal Fillers, microneedling, and medical-grade skin peels may be required for best results. If you start regular treatments with anti-wrinkle treatment injections before permanent lines start, then you will delay and possibly prevent wrinkles from appearing, helping to maintain a youthful appearance. The treatment itself involves a series of tiny injections into the target muscles where the lines occur.

Most patients find the treatment causes mild discomfort at the time of injection. There may be slight swelling which usually subsides after about 20 minutes or so.

Occasionally minor bruising may occur. 



  • It can take anywhere from 2 to 7 days for you to see a difference, with the full effect visible after two weeks.

  • Depending on the sensitivity of your skin and any medications (like aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood thinners) you may be taking, there is the chance of temporary, minor side effects including

    • Mild swelling at or around the injection site

    • Mild tenderness or bruising at or around the injection site

    • Tiny red dots at the injection site

    • A mild headache, depending on the treatment area

    • Anti-Wrinkle (1 area) - £200

    • Anti-Wrinkle (2 areas) - £230

    • Anti-Wrinkle (3 areas) - £250

    • Lip Flip - £100

    • Gummy Smile - £100

    • Jaw Slimming - £300

    • Hyperhidrosis (Underarm Sweating) - £300

    • Hyperhidrosis (follow up) - £250

  • The effects can typically last for up to 3-4 months depending on the individual. After this period, the muscles gradually regain their activity, and the wrinkles may begin to reappear, at which point further treatment is needed to maintain the results.

    • Keep upright for the first 4 hours

    • Do not rub or massage the treated area and avoid make-up if possible.

    • Avoid sleeping on your face the first night

    • Do not exercise or partake in any strenuous activity for the next 12 hrs

    • No alcohol for the next 24hrs

    • Do not have any beauty treatments on your face e.g. facials, or facial massage for 2 weeks. This may cause the injected solution to spread to nearby muscles.

    • Avoid exposure to strong sunlight, very cold temperatures and saunas for the next 2 weeks

  • Anti-Wrinkle treatments begin to work 2-3 days after the treatment and reach their full effect within 7-14 days.

  • It is recommended to repeat the treatment before the muscle movements return to normal which is typically 3-4 months. This way there is an overlap in results and a continued softening effect.

  • It is not recommended to get anti-wrinkle treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Avoid vigorous physical activity or any large intakes of alcohol for 24 hours as this increases the risk of bruising. Aspirin and Vitamin E should not be taken one week before the treatment.



Ready for your glow-up?

Ping us a message on WhatsApp and tell us which treatment is of interest. It is the easiest way to communicate between appointments, so please be patient whilst we respond.